Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Zack snyder

Zachary edward snyder is the man behind all the DC movies for now. He's started carrer in 2004 and becomes famous with action/science fiction movies. Here is some movies ihes directed.

watchmen is based in the comic books with the same name. The history begins withe the murder of comedian. Rorschach start to investigate the murder and theorizes that someone is trying to kill all the watchmen. This movie is considered the best adaptation made for cinemas. The movie is fantastic and the history amazing just like the comic book, and is my favorite super hero  movie. Almost all scenes in this movie is epic and with you like comic books watchmen is obligatory to watch.

Dawn of the dead

Dawn of the dead tells the history of a group in a zombie apocalypse. In the middle of the movie links are created between the survivors and some deaths feels with you (only if you is a cry baby). The movie receives  good reviews and the history holds you and the deaths is pretty funny. This movie lauched Zack carrer to another landing.


In this movie Leonidas leads 300 Spartan soldiers to fight against the brutal empire of Xerxes. It also shows important points of Spartan culture, how the women were treated, the birth and the transformation of a boy into a man. Leonidas and his army use the strategy to face the huge Persian army with only 300 well prepared men.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Alfred Hitchcock 

Alfred Joseph Hitchcock (1899-1980) was a film director. Considered the Master of Suspense, he created a lot of the techniques of the film industry. With impactful soundtracks, his movies are filled with plot twists that'll make you wonder how complex these characters can be.

Rear Window

  In this movie, a photographer broke his leg at work and now he can't leave the apartment. His only fun is snoop the life of your neighbors, but after witnessing a couple of strange events, he starts to suspect that a man killed his own wife and hid her body.
  Unable to leave his own apartment, the photographer asks for his girlfriend's help.
  It's a great movie. It can be kind of boring at some points, but is the film's style. Isn't much fun having to stay in all day, riding a weelchair...

The Birds

  This film is based on a tale written by Daphne Du Maurier and narrate the history of a woman that meets a guy in a pet shop. After the meeting, the woman goes to Bodega Bay looking for him, but some crazy things start to happen: the birds start attacking people.
  Of all his movies that I've seen so far, this is the worst. Maybe because we are used to with good special effects, and this movie falls short.


  Perhaps the most famous Hitchcock film, is also the most complex and elaborate. I started to like the work of Hitchcock because of this film. 
  I won't say anything else about this one, it's up to you to go there and check it out.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Worts superheroes movies

X-Men 3: The Last Stand

X-men the last stand is the final movie of the x-men trilogy and destroyed everything the others movies create. One more time we saw  cyclops being ignored again, only to wolverine gets more attention. The story begins with cyclops listening the voice of Jean Grey only to be killed by her. The rest of the film is so boring and ridiculous i dont wanna to talk about. The drop in quality is due to change of director Bryan Singer by Brett Ratner.

X-Men Origins: Wolverine

X-men origins: Wolverine is the movie that killed my respect for Fox. The movie was directed by Gavin Hood. The movie shows wolverine doing what we dont want to see like: dating, cutting wood and destroy everything on bathroom. Gambit one of the most  coolest mutant in comic books, but you realize he only appears for five minutes. The worst part of this "movie" is "Deadpool", they crap in everything who is Deadpool and create a Baraka with no mouth, this is definitely the worst adaptation of a character in history.

The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen

The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen only have the same name of the the work of Alan Moore.
The movie is one of the biggest decepcion of my life and i cant explain how i feel about this "movie". This is for certain the worst movie of Sean Connery career.

Batman and Robin

This time someone wants to kill batman once and for all his name is director Joel Schumacher. This movie has a big cast with big actors like: George Clonney, Arnold Shwarzenegger and Uma Thurman. But the movie was the worst movie until 2005. Bane the villain who brokes Batman'spine and one of the most intelligent Batman's villains, but in the movie he don't now how to say a word.